Are cougars glamorous?

The New York Times just published an article about mountain lions today (June 10th) that features a photo of our own Paul Houghtaling handling 39M, the downtown puma. The article talks about the return of the “glamorous killer”, a curious adjective choice...

Meet 38F

In all the excitement surrounding 39M, we didn’t get a chance to introduce our newest conventionally captured cat, 38F. 38F was captured in the large and relatively undisturbed Cemex Redwoods property earlier this month using Dan’s hound dogs. Paul and...

Cougars in the SF Chronicle!

In case you missed it, the San Francisco Chronicle had a feature story about our new study on their front page earlier this week! Check it out at  

First published study out!

Check out the UCSC news release on the first paper coming out of the Puma Project! The great thing is that our paper is published in PLOS (Public Library of Science) One, an open-sourced journal. This means that anyone can read our paper for free as long as you have...