by yiwei | Sep 28, 2012 | field notes, puma bios, puma ecology
Happy fall everyone! I wanted to share some fun news about our pumas. Based on their GPS information, it seems that 26M and 28F have been spending quite a bit of time together this last week in Sierra Azul Open Space and Almaden Quiksilver Park. I think we can safely...
by yiwei | Sep 19, 2012 | field notes, puma bios, puma ecology
For the first time in our 4 year long project, all of our collared female lions are raising kittens! It seems that a real birth pulse has occurred this summer, with most of our females giving birth in July and August. By now, you have met 23F’s kittens, but we...
by yiwei | Aug 25, 2012 | media, pumas in the news
Hey everyone – check out Jason Hoppin’s story on 16M’s travels across Hwy 17! It’s the top Sunday story on the Santa Cruz Sentinel, and picked up by the San Jose Mercury News too! Shows that mountain lions still enthrall people. Keep following...
by yiwei | Jul 30, 2012 | field notes, puma ecology
Here is a rare glimpse of the chivalrous side of the male puma, stepping aside to share his meal with a female. Males aren’t always that nice, however, and will often attack or even kill animals that try to feed on their kills. In the wild, pumas often cache...
by yiwei | Jul 26, 2012 | media, pumas in the news, technology
Apple’s launch of Mountain Lion OS is a great time to draw attention to the real animals roaming above the hills of Cupertino. Check out UCSC’s news release on the SC Puma Project’s recent findings.