Hollywood Puma and Rat Poison
You may remember the beautiful National Geographic photo of a male puma, P-22, who lives in Griffith Park. His territory is very close to humans, but, as far as we know, he's never had a problem with that. That is, until now. It turns out that P-22 has never...
A detailed look at 46m’s journey from Big Basin to Mountain View #MVpuma
By now many of your have read about 46m's big adventure into downtown Mountain View. Here we take a closer look at how he got there based on data we retrieved from his collar after we anesthetized him in a parking lot in Mountain View. We originally collared 46m in...
#46M ‘s (aka #MVpuma) big adventure in Mountain View!
In October, we introduced you to 41M and his brother, 46M, who taunted him through the bars when 41M was in our trap. Then in January, 46M wandered into a trap we set for him and we gave him a collar to match his brother's. We didn't see any sign of their mom until...
Meet 48M
Last night we caught a new uncollared male, 48M. We were expecting to catch a juvenile that we had seen on the camera traps earlier, but caught a 112 pound adult male instead! He was a very polite cat -- he went into the trap around 9pm last night, much earlier than...
An Easter Kitten!
In mid- April, we noticed from 43F’s GPS data that she appeared to be denning. On April 20, when we suspected that the kittens were 4 weeks old, we hiked into the den. We had retrieved an updated location from the den the day before, and felt confident that we knew...
How to tell if a lion or coyote killed a deer
We frequently receive calls and messages from local landowners telling us about a fresh-dead deer in their yard. This is fascinating information and helpful to our research - we’ve trapped and collared several mountain lions in this way. In many cases, the deer was...
Chris’s Talk at the Rio
For those of you who missed Chris's sellout talk at the Rio, here is a great writeup about it in the Sentinel. Chris gave an exciting talk about our work so far with over 600 people filling the auditorium! We'd like to thank the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County for...
Why did the puma cross the road?…
...Well, maybe why isn't as important as how. Thanks to the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County, the pumas of the Santa Cruz Mountains are on their way to having a safe way to cross Highway 17! Read more about it in their press release! We've talked before about how...
41M and 46M have a mom after all!
Since October 2013, when we caught 41M while 46M looked on, we have repeatedly seen the brothers together. However, until just now, there has been no sign of a mom. We wondered if they had perhaps been orphaned, but their mom finally appeared on a fresh deer kill when...
Learn From Your Siblings…
In early October, we told you about catching 41M and how his sibling climbed up on top of the cage and taunted him through the bars. Last night we saw that 41M's brother didn't learn from 41M's experience... In this video, we see 41M (with his shiny new collar)...