Crossing Highway 17
We've talked before about the dangers of crossing Highway 17, you may remember 16M, or Atlas, crossed dozens of times and was stuck and injured once. Many pumas and other animals are not as lucky and are killed. Some animals try and dart across highways, while...
36m visits my office!
A couple weeks ago, 36m visited the quad outside of my office building, and took care of our pesky deer problem. No really, he killed a deer and fed on it for a couple of nights two feet from the Earth and Marine Sciences building and about 50 feet from our...
Chris featured in new SF Chronicle article!
The San Francisco Chronicle recently published a profile on Chris and our project! Check it out here. Also, that bobble-headed deer featured in the article has a name, and it's Harry.
Video Double Feature: Swimming puma
Here's another great video that surfaced today: a puma swimming near Vancouver Island! Check out the story at http://www.timescolonist.com/cougar-goes-for-fast-ocean-swim-off-vancouver-island-1.559326
Puma vs spotted skunk faceoff!
Max Allen, a project associated biologist, recently published a natural history paper about an encounter he recorded between a spotted skunk and a female puma in Mendocino county. For anyone who is frightened of pumas, this video features a spotted skunk chasing and...
Check out Cal Academy’s video featuring our project!
New kittens
It turns out lion 38F was pregnant when we captured and collared her for the first time while filming our field work with KQED. She gave birth to a litter of 3 kittens early last month.
What a fox!
Today’s digital motion-sensing trail cameras are a remarkable invention. Just 10 years ago, I was a managing a camera trap survey of wildlife in the fragments of once-contiguous wildlife habitat that remained as new housing subdivisions developed around Seattle. We...
Join us for Science on Tap 6/26 8PM
Science on tap is a regular event that connects the Santa Cruz community with local scientists. This week, I'll be talking about pumas and the puma project! Please come by for a fun slide show, discussion, and equipment demonstration on Wednesday June 26th 8PM at the...
Loch Lomond Puma Walk
Want to learn more, see our equipment, and ask questions in person? Join us for our annual Loch Lomond Puma Walk hosted by the San Lorenzo Valley Water District! This Saturday we will be leading a walk/talk at Loch Lomond Recreation Area at 10:30. Space is limited, so...