by veronica | Mar 3, 2015 | field notes, puma ecology, video
Here is 26M gettin’ down in front of one of our cameras. We stitched together this series of photos showing him rolling around on the ground, just like your cat on the front walk....
by jsmith | Feb 4, 2015 | field notes, puma bios, santa cruz pumas, Uncategorized
On February 3, puma project researcher Paul Houghtaling went looking for 25F again. In May 2012, 25F’s collar stopped sending GPS data, and we have been attempting to get her a new collar ever since. After many previous attempts to track down 25f, Paul went back...
by jsmith | Jan 20, 2015 | events and outreach, field notes
Have you ever seen an animal scat on the ground and wondered who it belonged to? Perhaps you pictured a bobcat slinking down the trail just before you, marking its territory before continuing its travels? Or a pair of coyotes cruising around looking for their next...
by veronica | Dec 29, 2014 | field notes
Project post doc, Max Allen, and I recently went out in the field with Tanya Diamond and Ahiga Snyder from Pathways for Wildlife to see where the Santa Cruz County Land Trust will build the new wildlife crossing culvert under Highway 17. We started off our hike with...
by yiwei | Aug 22, 2014 | field notes, santa cruz pumas, technology
Every month, one of our biologists goes up in a plane to try to locate all of our study animals and download the GPS information from their collars. Flying is the most efficient way to download the GPS data because we can cover much more ground than driving. We are...
by cwilmers | May 8, 2014 | field notes, pumas in the news, Uncategorized
By now many of your have read about 46m’s big adventure into downtown Mountain View. Here we take a closer look at how he got there based on data we retrieved from his collar after we anesthetized him in a parking lot in Mountain View. We originally collared...