Meet 48M

Last night we caught a new uncollared male, 48M.  We were expecting to catch a juvenile that we had seen on the camera traps earlier, but caught a 112 pound adult male instead!  He was a very polite cat — he went into the trap around 9pm last night, much earlier...

Why’s that puma snarling at the camera?

This week’s blog was co-written by Sean McCain  (one of our field techs) Ever wonder how animals communicate using scent? Enter the flehmen response. The flehmen response is a communication behavior utilized by many mammals to identify pheromones left by...

Video: Female puma & cubs

  A trail camera we have posted at a puma scent marking site caught this brief glimpse into the busy life of a mother puma.  Believe it or not, despite hundreds or thousands of trail camera videos of pumas traveling, this is the first one we’ve captured of...