by yiwei | Jul 24, 2013 | puma ecology, pumas in the news
Here’s another great video that surfaced today: a puma swimming near Vancouver Island! Check out the story at
by yiwei | Jul 24, 2013 | field notes, puma ecology
Max Allen, a project associated biologist, recently published a natural history paper about an encounter he recorded between a spotted skunk and a female puma in Mendocino county. For anyone who is frightened of pumas, this video features a spotted skunk chasing and...
by paulh | Jun 10, 2013 | field notes, puma bios, puma ecology, santa cruz pumas
Here is an update on lion 39M, the young male that turned up in downtown Santa Cruz last month. In short, he appears to be doing well, as interpreted from GPS locations and examination of a few sites where he’s killed and eaten prey. GPS locations indicate that 39M...
by yiwei | May 30, 2013 | field notes, puma bios, puma ecology
In all the excitement surrounding 39M, we didn’t get a chance to introduce our newest conventionally captured cat, 38F. 38F was captured in the large and relatively undisturbed Cemex Redwoods property earlier this month using Dan’s hound dogs. Paul and...
by yiwei | May 16, 2013 | field notes, media, puma bios, puma ecology, pumas in the news, santa cruz pumas
Today, we collared our newest puma, 39M, a young, dispersal-aged male in the most bizarre capture scenario imaginable. Instead of finding him using hound dogs among redwoods or trapping him in a cage with some road-kill deer, we found 39M in downtown Santa Cruz, near...
by yiwei | Apr 17, 2013 | events and outreach, media, puma ecology
Check out the UCSC news release on the first paper coming out of the Puma Project! The great thing is that our paper is published in PLOS (Public Library of Science) One, an open-sourced journal. This means that anyone can read our paper for free as long as you have...