by yiwei | Jun 10, 2013 | media, pumas in the news
The New York Times just published an article about mountain lions today (June 10th) that features a photo of our own Paul Houghtaling handling 39M, the downtown puma. The article talks about the return of the “glamorous killer”, a curious adjective choice...
by yiwei | May 16, 2013 | field notes, media, puma bios, puma ecology, pumas in the news, santa cruz pumas
Today, we collared our newest puma, 39M, a young, dispersal-aged male in the most bizarre capture scenario imaginable. Instead of finding him using hound dogs among redwoods or trapping him in a cage with some road-kill deer, we found 39M in downtown Santa Cruz, near...
by yiwei | Apr 24, 2013 | media, pumas in the news
In case you missed it, the San Francisco Chronicle had a feature story about our new study on their front page earlier this week! Check it out at
by yiwei | Dec 26, 2012 | pumas in the news
The Santa Cruz Mountains Puma Project wishes you joy during this holiday season, and we will return to blogging next year. For our last blog, we thought we’d share a story from Florida, the last home to pumas (called panthers there) in the eastern US. Recently,...
by yiwei | Aug 25, 2012 | media, pumas in the news
Hey everyone – check out Jason Hoppin’s story on 16M’s travels across Hwy 17! It’s the top Sunday story on the Santa Cruz Sentinel, and picked up by the San Jose Mercury News too! Shows that mountain lions still enthrall people. Keep following...
by yiwei | Jul 26, 2012 | media, pumas in the news, technology
Apple’s launch of Mountain Lion OS is a great time to draw attention to the real animals roaming above the hills of Cupertino. Check out UCSC’s news release on the SC Puma Project’s recent findings.